Personal Injury

When you suffer a personal injury, such as a slip and fall, workplace accident, or car accident, it creates significant changes in your body. It can lead to muscle damage, misalignment of joints, and numerous instances of pain and limited mobility that impact every part of your day. We can help you. At Douglas P. Krift, DC, you can get chiropractic care in Fort Thomas, which allows your body to heal from your personal injury.


When Should You Get Chiropractic Care?

Personal injury treatment from a chiropractor near you focuses heavily on improving the way your body moves and functions. This type of care can help to stimulate your body’s natural ability to heal and recover using holistic methods. That can help to reduce your pain, improve the speed at which you heal, and give your body the support it needs without the use of invasive treatment. We can help you with a wide range of personal injury treatments, including:

  • Auto accident treatment: With customized auto accident treatment to deal with the specific areas of pain you have, we can help your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints get back to working the way they should.
  • Whiplash treatment: You may need whiplash treatment if you have developed significant pain in your neck and shoulders after a rear-ending or other sudden, jolting accident that causes your head to move forward and backward rapidly.
  • Neck pain treatment: Neck pain treatment on its own, whether whiplash or not, can help you to reduce pain and improve mobility.
  • Back pain treatment: After a personal injury, back pain treatment is very commonly necessary since the spinal column can be misaligned, and nerve damage can easily occur.

With chiropractic care, we can provide you with a customized strategy that improves your body’s overall function and reduces the pain you feel. Each treatment and service we offer is customized to address your needs specifically.

Schedule Personal Injury Treatment in Fort Thomas, KY

Contact Douglas P. Krift, DC today. Set up chiropractic care for your personal injury treatment in Fort Thomas with our team and find out how we can offer you the improvement your body needs. Contact us now for an appointment that fits your schedule and provides you with the help you need from our chiropractor near you.


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Office Hours


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 7:00 pm




9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm



