
There are several types and causes of headaches. The type that originate from the cervical spine also known as “cervicogenic headaches” respond very well to chiropractic care. Many people with headaches consider them normal, I will say that headaches can be common but are never normal. Pain is your body’s way of letting you know that something is wrong and you should not ignore it or cover it up. Every headache has a cause and and a thorough history and examination will help determine its origin. Approximately 94% of all headaches include Migraine, Tension-Type, and Cluster Headaches. Migraines make up 16% and tension type headaches that include neck related headaches make up 78% of all headaches. Dr. Krift has been very successful in helping people who suffer from headaches whether they are chronic (off and on for more than 3 months) or acute (less than 3 months).

Chiropractic treatment restores proper motion and alignment to the cervical vertebrae that can be the cause of the headache. When the neck is not moving like it should due to an accident, poor posture, repetitive work environment, etc., muscle tension occurs along with nerve irritation and even constricted blood flow. These mechanisms can result in referred pain from the neck to the head resulting in a headache. Call today for an appointment and get to the root cause of your headache. Even if you don’t have a headache when you come in for the first time chiropractic adjustments help restore proper function of the spine so your symptoms become lest frequent and eventually resolve.

Douglas P. Krift, DC



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